
To revolutionize your space, we offer four hour in-person sessions.

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This package includes:

  • One 4 hour session

  • UNLIMITED encouragement, support, question answering and high fives over email during project. Subject to office hours.

  • Personalized plan created after initial meeting. Revised and added to as appropriate after every session. Maintenance plan created with you towards the end of the project. Support at every step.

  • Organizing supplies included, all you have to do is show up!

  • Arranging for trash and donation pick up*

  • Suggestion list for donations, recycling and consignment*

  • Personalized pre and post organizing supplies and storage products suggestion list.

  • Personalized and printed labels for everything we do together.

  • Follow up calls or emails, your preference, 14 days and 30 days after last appointment answering any and all maintenance questions!

    *Provided for those in the Western Washington area. Support for finding those in your area for everyone!